January 24, 2013


1. The massive amounts of attention
Saat seseorang berulang tahun, akan banyak orang yang mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun, mengirim pesan atau bahkan memberikan kejuta-kejutan kecil. If you aren’t a big fan of the spotlight, which I’m not! Agak susah untuk "tiba-tiba" menjadi pusat perhatian, walaupun hanya sehari. 

2. It’s another reminder of my rapidly rising age
Ulang tahun yang keberapa nih? atau Udah umur berapa sekarang? Pertanyan-pertanyaan ganggu yang sering gue dengar pada saat ultah. Karena menurut gue hari bertambahnya umur bukan suatu hal yang harus kita rayakan. Every year seems to come more responsibility, higher expectations and less cartoons, right? Unfortunately I’ve not yet learned to embrace growing up or grow old.

3. People will sing Happy Birthday, and I will be awkward and unsure what to do with myself
Am I supposed to smile while everybody sings? Or do I modestly laugh? Atau yang paling parah, Masa gue harus ikut nyanyi selamat ulang tahun dihari ulang tahun gue sendiri? Bingung kan harus gimana.

4. Dikerjain
Yang ini sih udah jelas kayanya.. -__-

January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013


I made no resolutions for the New Year.
Actually is no need for a new year resolution. If someone really wants to change themselves, it shouldn't take the beginning of a new year as motivation to do so. It should be done willingly. This is one of many lies that people tell themselves, in order to give themselves the illusion of change. Just my opinion.. :)